Stay On Target
The Stay on Target series from MasteringSelling is a must have for any dealer or sales manager that is serious about their automobile sales training and management program. For every skill level from beginning salesperson to experienced manager you will find a powerhouse of information to get you started or keep you focused.

Is your recruiting campaign attracting the type of salespeople you want? This excerpt from the Recruiting and Hiring Salespeople module will help you write employment ads designed to attract the people you want. That's only one example of why your dealership can't afford to be without each of the Stay On Target books and manuals.
Many dealers and managers, perhaps like you, have extremely high turnover on the sales floor. One midwest dealer group I consulted with had a BEST STORE turnover rate of 112% and a WORST STORE rate that exceeded 400%. I hope that isn't your situation but within 8 months of teaching the principles developed for automobile dealers all 6 of this group's dealerships managed to reduce their turnover rate by at least half. To get help read this.
Automobile sales training begins with the building block of success, The Road to a Sale. Most sales trainers and managers forget one important element...they neglect to teach the WHY of every step.
Don't worry, a complete step-by-step guide to training properly is part of what you receive when you make the decision to include this powerful material in your sales training and management library.
I've included a link to the online version of the Road to a Sale so you can sample how thoroughly your team will know the ins and outs of why each step is so critical. I think after you read Step 1 you'll agree.
This series was developed using successful coaching and training methods proven to work in showrooms just like yours. With the costs of outside training and consulting sky rocketing why not do what your competition is either unwilling or unable to do? Develop leaders who have the proper skill set to recruit, train and lead people on an ongoing basis.
To say Thank You for taking a few moments to read this I'd like to send to you a FREE Training Outline designed with your management team in mind. This simple to follow outline can be adapted for every phase of their day to day sales effort. I normally charge $29 for the outline and I'll be sending it at no charge as a way to compensate you for the few minutes you've spent here. Use the handy form below and the outline will be on its way to you in no time.
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