
Make it a Stepping Stone and not a Stumbling Block

Your initial greeting is a one time event. Psychologists tell us that within 54 seconds after you meet someone they will form an opinion of you, whether right or wrong. As you prepare to leave for your place of business each morning ask yourself;

“Will people see me as confident?”
“Will they perceive me to be well groomed with a professional appearance?”
“Would I like to conduct business with someone who looks and acts like me?”

A proper meet and greet will insure that you present the most favorable opportunity for a good first impression. Simply extend a welcome to the customer and ask how you can be of service.

NOT EVERYONE IS COMFORTABLE SHAKING HANDS WITH STRANGERS. The best advice is to proceed with caution. You will look silly if you extend your hand and it is left hanging in space.

“Hi, my name is _________________. Welcome to (name of company). How can I be of service to you?” Oftentimes we overlook the fact people come to our place of business for reasons other than to buy something. Whether they are looking for a particular item, your service area,the credit department or other areas of the business you must be prepared to assist them in a positive, courteous and professional manner. Today’s contacts are tomorrow’s customers.

greeting is just the first step

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